Sunday, April 06, 2008

End of March, beginning of April

Today is a typical Sunday. We're sitting on the couch watching t.v. with laundry to fold. Ben was running around crazy with a chip clip and sunglasses, so I put them on him.
A whole different kind of April Fool... ha ha ha

The camera focus was off, because we had the telephoto lens on for other reasons. Man he was cute!

Also, here's a couple shots from Easter when he was (again) running around Grandma's all crazy. It's usually the craziest time right before bed. I can't believe that rocking chair used to be mine. I could NEVER fit my butt in it now. Ha!

You can almost hear him growling....

1 comment:

Calliope said...

Wow. Has it really been that long since I saw you? I saw the wee one as a baby at least. Le Sigh.

For the record, any time you miss an ep of SJA, Doctor Who, Etc. Try YouTube...or

I never told you that.

A Certain Becca