Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Crazy dreams begin again

My pregnancy just moved into the second trimester! Yeah! The chances of miscarriage have dropped significantly. Queasy days are slow to leave though, so I still haven't gained any weight.

Last night I had a crazy dream that Ota kept abandoning me in weird places. As the dream began, we left Ben at home, apparently by himself. We drove over to Salinas to visit his sister because she just had another baby. When we got there he convinced Helena (his sis) that I could watch the baby while she went to work. This was when it started getting weird because he then had us all get in the suburban to go get the windshield repaired. There was nothing wrong with the windshield. He drove us to this East Indian theme park where you went on hiking trips and ate spicy food. He walked with me to the front door and said to go on in and he'd meet me later. He had to get the truck fixed. The baby was in the truck.
Feeling abandoned, I joined a group that was heading for a train. Two women shoved me and when I turned to tell at them I shoved them back. They just apologized and asked me to sit with them. We traveled to a tented area for lunch. On the way to the tent I stopped and looked around for Ota. That was when I was attacked by eagles. They ripped off my pants and pooped in my hair. I showed up to the tent a mess. I needed to call Ota an tell him, but I had no cell phone. Apparently no one did. That was when I began to search the park for him frantically. I took an escalator to the area for boat repair and couldn't find the car repair area. I started yelling for him, but no one answered. That was when I woke up.

Weird though the dream was, I believe it displayed some fears I have about this baby. The biggest fear is that I will be completely alone and unable to get to a hospital.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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